What is Fashion Revolution Week? We answer all your questions

Hello Flamboyaners!

Have you ever wondered what's behind those fabulous clothes we love so much? Well, Fashion Revolution Week is coming to reveal it all!

What is Fashion Revolution Week?

It is an annual global event that aims to raise awareness about fashion, promoting transparency, sustainability and ethics in garment production. It is held from 19-25 April, coinciding with the tragic collapse of the Rana Plaza building in 2013 in Bangladesh, where more than 1,100 garment workers lost their lives. It includes a series of events, campaigns and activities aimed at engaging consumers, brands, designers and fashion workers in discussions about how to improve the industry and make it fairer and more responsible.

In short, it is like the fashion industry's alarm clock. Every year, for one week we reflect on who makes our clothes, under what conditions and their impact on the planet.

Fashion Revolution Week Beflamboyant

Why should you care?

Because fashion is about more than style, it's a movement for real change.

Do you have questions?

We're here to answer them! From how to join the revolution to which brands are getting it right.

Anyone can join

We all have the power to transform the ecosystem. You don't need to do everything, but we do need everyone to do something, however big or small.

Fashion Revolution Week Beflamboyant

There are different ways to get involved

Transforming the fashion industry requires the collaboration of diverse people and approaches. Fashion Revolution, with its global network in 75 countries, promotes this diversity of perspectives. Each individual contributes in their own unique way towards the common goal of a fair, safe, clean, transparent and accountable fashion industry.

The revolution needs all of us

Our global community has a crucial role to play in protecting workers and the environment.

We are already in

At Beflamboyant we are committed to sustainability and our goal is to improve the fashion industry by making timeless and durable products with vegan and sustainable materials as corn and pineapple leather, protecting the planet, animals and people.

Our motto is: don't buy if you don't need it, we don't support consumerism and we believe in sustainable and conscious consumption habits.

We are concerned about maintaining decent working conditions throughout our supply chain, which is why we manufacture all our footwear locally in Spain.

The revolution needs everyone, everywhere

The strength of Fashion Revolution lies in its global community united by international solidarity. We all have a role in this mission to transform the fashion industry to protect workers and the environment. By acting together, our voice will be impossible to ignore.

Fashion Revolution Week BeflamboyantSo, are you ready to join the change? Join Fashion Revolution Week and let your style speak for itself.

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